
How to Memorize Scripture: Three Easy Steps

Have you ever heard someone quote a passage of Scripture and wondered why memorize Scripture or why we should memorize Scripture? Keep reading to learn more. If you want to learn how to memorize Scripture, our three easy steps to memorize Scripture can help. A few years ago, I decided to memorize a chapter of the Bible every month as one of my New Year’s resolutions. It might have been a little optimistic. Four days into January, I was already behind on my plan to memorize the first chapter of John before the end of the month. I knew how to memorize Scripture. The problem wasn’t my technique or my ability. My failure to memorize Scripture was due to my reliability. Every morning, I reviewed my verses and made what was little more than a stab at memorizing them. I read them. Quoted them a few times. Put them away as quickly as I picked them up. How to memorize Scripture: Soak your heart with its truth What I didn’t do was soak my heart in their truth, and that’s why they didn’t “stick.” One morning, I read through the first twelve verses of John 1 again.  The second time I read them through, the third verse came alive. “All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.” (John 1:3) nasb All things. How to memorize Scripture: Apply it to your life Does all mean all? The image of barbed wire instantly popped into my head. Barbed wire? Does Jesus care about barbed wire?  I pondered that crazy-sounding question a moment and read the verse again. If all things came into being by Him, and Scripture says it did, did barbed wire come into being by Jesus? In a manner of speaking, yes. He made the person who invented it, of course, as well as the mind out of which the invention came. When we apply Scripture to our lives in order to memorize it, we begin to see God in everything we do. The thought about God’s concern for barbed wire wasn’t as random as it seemed. I was building a barbed-wire fence at the time but hadn’t quite finished it. Does Jesus care about the fencing wire so prevalent in the Southern U.S.? Yes, in multiple ways. He cares about the people who make the wire, build the fences, and stretch the wire. He cares about the animals for whom those sharp barbs provide security and protection, too. Suddenly, his care about the fence I was building made verses about His care for me come alive. I understood them, I could remember them, and I soon realized it was one of the easy ways to memorize Scripture.  Does Jesus care about all my concerns? My second thought was about the then-current trouble in the Middle East. My heart broke over recent governmental decisions there. I prayed at length about the situation and begged everyone who’d listen to join me in intercession. Occasionally, my prayers sounded a little accusatory, as if God overlooked the events that gave me such pause. “What about there, Lord? It’s a mess right now,” I asked.  All things. Those two simple words resonated in my heart. Governments are established by God and have their authority with the permission of God. (Romans 13:1) He moves the heart of the king like channels of water. (Prov 21:1) Once again, the application of Scripture to my daily life was an important step in how to memorize Scripture. He knows. God knows about the corruption in governments, crack-downs on religious freedom, and the persecution of believers. He knows about my friends who fled for their lives from their homeland. Nothing escapes his notice. Nothing will be wasted. It wasn’t the answer I wanted. My desire was for God to roll up His sleeves and wade into the battle. I wanted God to do things MY way, instead of His own. It’s a problem as old as creation. We want our way instead of His. How to Memorize Scripture: Embrace Nevertheless My barbed wire pondering led, in a roundabout way, to “nevertheless” about a few things. “Nevertheless, not My will but Thine be done.” (Luke 22:42) The simple act of surrendering to His will instead of mine brought me to the place I needed to be with Scripture memory. Suddenly, the verses came alive. “The light shined in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it” made perfect sense. None of the efforts of believers in the painful place of persecution were wasted. Light shined, but the darkness didn’t comprehend, exactly as John 1 said. The importance of Scripture memory is not in the act of repeating words until we can say them by rote. The value comes when we allow the Word of God to invade our hearts, reveal truth to us, and change us.  Scripture memory was much easier after the Word of God came alive in my heart, took root, and began to grow.  Three Easy Steps to Memorize Scripture Do you want to memorize Scripture? Do you want the Word of God to come alive for you? If we “hide it in our hearts” and nurture it as we would seed in our garden, His Word will grow into full-bloom beauty in our lives and make us more like Jesus than ever before. Don’t strive to gather a bunch of words. Instead, strive for the truth that transforms and let it begin to transform you. Three Easy Steps to Memorize Scripture: PLANT: Don’t tackle an entire passage at once. Choose one verse at a time and marinate in it. Repeat it throughout the day. Try writing it out several times to increase familiarity. WATER: Study the verse. Look up commentary on the passage. LIGHT: Ask God to help you understand and know its truth. Allow it to invade your heart and life until the truth becomes a part of you. When you “know” the verse because you’ve lived

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Homelessness in America: up close and personal

Homelessness in America: Up Close and Personal is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to This blog post contains affiliate links, which means if you click on the link to make a purchase, I may make a small amount of money (usually a few cents) from your purchase. It will not increase the price you pay in any way. How to Effectively Impact Homelessness in America The glamour of a vintage evening gown, a coveted award, and a luxury hotel faded in the rearview mirror as the blinding rain slowed my progress toward home. My snail’s pace through the storm left far too little time to swap suitcases, snuggle dogs, and nap before boarding a plane for Los Angeles, land of Hollywood and movie stars, and a heartbreaking example of homelessness in America. From Rodeo Drive to Skid Row Maseratis lined the streets of Rodeo Drive. Both men and women in designer clothing spent thousands to purchase baubles they’ll soon discard. This trip, however, wasn’t filled with glamour, but the exact opposite. We headed to Skid Row where homelessness abounds, and hunger, need, and lack of basic hygiene are part of everyday existence. Fifty-four city blocks of tragedy and poverty are lined by tents on the sidewalks, pallets of cardboard, and discarded humans whose hope is gone. On Skid Row, mere miles from the mansions of the rich and famous, pregnant women sleep on bare concrete and shuffle down the streets in worn-out, discarded clothing hoping for a handout. Men, plagued by addiction, loss, and both mental and physical illness, wander as if in a fog. No job. Pockets empty. Hope long gone. One of the most affluent neighborhoods in the Los Angeles area is Hidden Hills, where the median income is $250,000+/year. In stark contrast, the median income in downtown LA (in which Skid Row is located) is only $19,887/year. A one-bedroom apartment in LA costs, on average, $2,437/month. ($29,244 annual cost) Two-bedroom apartments, on average, rent for $3,309/month. Imagine paying $39,708 per year in rent alone, before childcare, groceries, clothing, school supplies, health insurance, or transportation to and from work. It’s no wonder the “under-employed,” especially minimum-wage-earners, end up on the streets. This is Homelessness in America? Yes. it is. The images in my head from my two-week whirlwind of travel and service are not from the posh hotel or the glitter of a Gala. Instead, my memories are full of porta-potties, worn-out clothing, men smoking joints on the sidewalk, the smells of marijuana, urine, and unwashed bodies thick as smoke. Acrid odors hung in my nostrils for days. The faces of homelessness in America are still there and, I suspect, always will be. Before we went into Skid Row for the first time, a young man named Taylor gave us wise advice. “Clothe yourselves with compassion,” he said. I did, but I had to surrender my expectations, pride, and judgmental, critical spirit to do it. In the first tent, we visited on Skid Row a mother, stoned out of her mind, slept on a makeshift cot. Her two-year-old daughter sat on the cot beside her. A man in a chair at the entrance to the tent guarded her,  I suppose, as he talked with a friend from the streets. Porta-Potty Prostitution A few steps away, beautiful young women in skimpy clothing and heavy makeup entertained their customers in four porta-potties at the park entrance. They’d posted schedules on the doors and had a steady business. Prostitution in the most unsanitary place imaginable. What kind of man treats women with such disrespect? What kind of woman allows it? My indignant questions soon found an answer — hopeless men and women who don’t know the love of Jesus. A young mother, obviously pregnant, pushed a double-stroller in which two young children sat as she made her way down Skid Row in the dark. A man, also shabbily dressed, staggered along beside her. We gave them socks, t-shirts, and bags of cookies, but they needed so much more. The Tiniest of  Beginnings It was long past dark and my hand-out bag was nearly empty when Travis,* a gray-haired man with a grizzled beard and rotted teeth, approached me. “I’m cold,” he said and stared at my bag. “All I have are short-sleeved t-shirts, but it’s warm at the Dream Center,” I told him. “Yeah?” “There’s food there, too. You ever think about coming off the street?” “They wouldn’t take me,” he said. “I have a dishonorable discharge. 240 kills on patrol.” It took me a minute to understand what he meant. Finally, recognition dawned. Vietnam vet. He’d been the first in line on patrol. He hadn’t gunned down everyone he’d seen, but he’d killed a lot. Fear will do that to you. Fear combined with drugs will do even worse, and they did. He returned home with a dishonorable discharge at a time when all Vietnam veterans, even the heroes, were scorned and rejected. He couldn’t find a job and drifted from one place to another. The drugs he’d first used in Southeast Asia became his constant companion and he did whatever it took to get them. Not Too Late He’s an old man now and off drugs, but he’s been on the street for too many years, yet another shattered life trapped in the depths of homelessness in America. “I think they would take you, Travis. If you really want to come off the street, you can have a fresh start. Jesus can change everything.” I connected him to someone from the Dream Center and we made a plan. I rested a hand on his shoulder and prayed the biggest prayer I could for Travis. He shuffled off with a t-shirt and a bag of chips in hand. I turned to the DC worker. “You think he’ll show up?” He shook his head. “Probably not this time, but maybe eventually. When it

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prayer guide national day of prayer 2020

National Day of Prayer prayer guide

Prayer Guide for National Day of Prayer Update: This National Day of Prayer Prayer Guide was written in the early days of the pandemic to help guide us in prayer for our nation and offer ideas about how to pray for America. Today a war rages in Ukraine, millions of refugees have fled for their lives and more leave their nation daily, and the threat of nuclear war looms greater than ever before. Although our circumstances are different than two years ago, this guide for prayer is no less pertinent today.  This National Day of Prayer Prayer guide was first used for the 2020 National Day of Prayer but the prayer needs haven’t changed. It’s as useful in 2022 as it was two years ago.  For the first time in the history of the National Day of Prayer, our nationwide “gatherings” were done virtually rather than on courthouse lawns. This National Day of Prayer prayer guide can help you pray for our world, our nation, our states and cities, as well as for ourselves and our families. Prayer for Our World: The SARS CoV-2 pandemic affected everyone in some way, whether by government regulations for quarantine or by actual infection. Because of ongoing variants, it still affects people around the world. Use this National Day of Prayer prayer guide to help you pray for… Protection from the disease and from the effects of prolonged trauma due to the high loss of life for front-line health workers.  Patience, peace, and provision for the people who shelter in countries where the restrictions are much more strict than in the US. A spirit of repentance to fall and for the gospel to spread like wildfire throughout this world. Many souls to be saved. (Matthew 29:19-20, Acts 1:8) Prayers for the US: This National Day of Prayer prayer guide serves as a prompt for prayers for our nation and a guide in how to pray for America. It is only a beginning.  Divine wisdom in each decision for government and healthcare leaders. Leaders (and all of us) to value the lives of those potentially affected, balance the preciousness of life with the importance of economic stability in creative ways to achieve the greatest benefit and save the most lives. Wisdom and discernment to recognize and ignore foolish speculations and divisive rhetoric seen on social media. Unity in our nation and the willingness to love our neighbor as ourselves. For the church to continue to serve outside the walls of their buildings. Sweeping revival in the church and in our nation. (Matthew 22:35-40, James 1:5) Financial stability for our nation. National Day of Prayer Prayer Guide: Prayer for State and Local Needs Pray for… The wisdom of God for state and local leaders as they make decisions about quarantine and when to ease restrictions. Our fellow citizens to respond with godly decisions about personal protection. Pray for an end to the spirit of condemnation and judgment. Pray for fruit of the spirit to be evident in every believer. Churches to work together to be the body of Christ in ways the community can recognize and for unity among all believers at unprecedented levels and in unprecedented ways. Pray the love of the body of Christ will draw many people to Jesus. (James 1:5, John 17:17-23) Prayer Guide for National Day of Prayer – Prayers for Yourself: Pray for… The fruit of the Spirit, the Spiritual Armor, and a humble surrendered, servant’s heart. Freedom from prejudice of any kind and for sacrificial love to cause people to care for those who are in great need as well as for those who are lost. Pray for a deeper relationship with our Lord as a result of our quarantine and lasting change with greater emphasis on seeking Him first, loving our family with our presence, and loving our neighbor as ourselves. (Galatians 5:22-23, Ephesians 6:10-18, John 13;34-35, John 15:12-13) Thank you for taking the time to pray through this National Day of Prayer Prayer Guide with us as you pray for our nation and our world. May God bless your prayer for America with fruit beyond your borders and answer them in ways exceeding abundantly above all you hoped or imagined He’d do. God bless you, friends. “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. Habakkuk 2:14 Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash Want to read more articles like the National Day of Prayer prayer guide or articles about prayer? Need more prayer guides? See the links below and be sure to visit our Prayer Resources section. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your time with us today. If you enjoyed this content, follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest, sign up for the twice-monthly mailing list (below) to receive exclusive free stories, or click here to get a 5-day free Bible study and the twice-monthly newsletter. Before you leave, would you mind taking a moment to pin to Pinterest and share on social media? It helps extend our digital reach in ways we can’t do ourselves. Thanks again! See you soon. Here are links to a few other posts you might enjoy: Seven Evangelism Truths Every Christian Needs to Know When the God of the Universe Knows Your Name How to Trust God in Hard Times Repentance and the Benefits Package Will We Make Room for God in Our Lives? Contentment Regardless of Circumstances Repentance: It’s Not Optional Here’s an in-depth, life-changing digital Bible study to help you grow in your Christian faith: (This is an Amazon affiliate link, which means we might make a few cents from your purchase but it will not change the price you pay) You’ve helped us reach around the world through your likes, shares, and pins. Thank you! Please keep up the great work. It makes a huge difference. Here’s a pinnable image for Pinterest. Thanks for pinning and sharing.

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Whisper Gathering 2019: A Life-Changing Women’s Retreat

The Whisper Gathering 2019 is scheduled for September 5, 6, 7 at the beautiful FCR Crows Neck retreat center. Check-in begins at 1 pm on Thursday but we don’t start scheduled activities until 6 pm with dinner. Closing activies are Saturday morning and our last scheduled activity is lunch on Saturday. Registration is now open. I hope you’ll make plans to join us. What is Whisper Gathering 2019? This is a women’s retreat focused on learning to hear the gentle whisper of God’s still, small voice and obey. This year’s theme is The Beauty of Brokenness. What can I expect? Great worship led by a team including Vickie McAnally and Vivien Lee, both experienced worship leaders and gifted musicians. In-depth Bible study led by Leanna Lindsey Hollis M.D., frequent retreat leader and Director of Intercessory Prayer and Outreach at Global Outreach International. Devotions and Lord’s supper/communion led by Pastor Robbie Crane on Saturday morning as well as a powerful testimony from Mycah Parrish (Massey House) during the weekend and a beautiful dramatic/musical presentation by Dana Mann. There’ll also be plenty of prayer time, reflection, repentance, laughter, bonfires, cabin choirs, yummy food, evening s’mores, and fun, so bring a willing spirit and a ready laugh. Last year, we established traditions of the things women loved from previous Whisper Gatherings. We’re continuing those traditions and adding a few tweaks to make sure Whisper Gathering 2019 is better than ever. New this year, we’ll also have a few guests throughout the weekend. Massey Place will join us with their pop-up store and FCR’s gift shop will be open if you want to do a little Christmas shopping. What do people say about Whisper Gathering?  We asked former attendees to summarize the Whisper Gathering in two or three words. Here’s a little of what they said: Freeing. Hearing God’s voice. Reconnection with Jesus. Awakening. Fellowship. Renewal. Refuge. Reassuring. Reconnecting. Rest. Respite. Renewing. Life changing. Inspiring. One woman who attended the first Whisper Gathering in 2017 said this about last year’s retreat, “I hesitated to come again because I thought the first Whisper Gathering was the best it could ever be, but I was so wrong. This year was better than ever.” Scroll down to see photos from last year’s event. I want to come but my schedule doesn’t work… Attending the entire retreat is optimal, but we don’t want you to miss it entirely. If you can come for only a part of the weekend, message/contact Leanna directly. We are happy to work with your schedule to help arrange for you to attend “Half-A-Whisper.” How should I prepare for Whisper Gathering 2019? If we want God to move in life-changing ways, we must prepare our hearts in advance. Two ways we can do this are through prayer and fasting. No one expects (or recommends) a long fast without any food. Instead, consider limited fasting of a single food item or an occasional meal between now and the retreat. Use the time until the retreat to seek God about areas in your life in need of change. Friend me on Facebook and ask to join the Whisper Gathering closed group. ( I’ll post devotionals and prayer thoughts during the 21 days leading up to the retreat beginning August 15, so be sure to check back often. How much does the Whisper Gathering 2019 cost? The cost is $150 and covers two nights’ lodging, six meals, and snacks. The event fee also helps cover often-unseen costs such as camp fees for each attendee, printing handouts, craft supplies, door prizes, and honorariums for guest speakers and musicians. (The event T-shirt is extra.) Is there an event t-shirt? Yes. Short-sleeved and V-neck only. Please note: The T-shirt image is crew neck but the T-shirt is V-NECK ONLY. Inspirations for Women is handling our shirts, so the price is in addition to the registration fee. Your purchase price includes tax and fees. $2o for Small to XL  $22 for 2XL and 3XL  What to bring? Bible, notebook, pen, toiletries, bed linens, pillow, blanket, light jacket. Comfortable clothes. Come with a sense of anticipation of God’s presence and ready to meet with God, repent of sin, and surrender to His will. Ready to register? Ready to register? Follow this link to the Registration Page to register online. If you’d rather mail your registration, make your check out to The Whisper Gathering2019/Pinion and send the following information to Global Outreach/Whisper Gathering, PO Box 1, Tupelo MS 38802 (Be sure to put Whisper Gathering 2019 on the “for” line. DO NOT put my account # on the check, as this will not go through the Global account) Name:                                                                                                                         Phone Number: Mailing address:                                                                                                       Email: Emergency Contact:                                                                                                Phone number: Any special needs: Do you want a t-shirt?           What size? Send your form and the amount listed to the above address. $150 for The Whisper Gathering only $170 for The Whisper Gathering plus T-shirt sized S, M, L, or XL $172 for The Whisper Gathering plus T-shirt sized 2XL or 3XL Share the news: Because of Leanna’s

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prayer guide Whisper Gathering 2018

The Whisper Gathering 2018

This year’s Whisper Gathering is scheduled for October 25-27, 2018 at the beautiful FCR Crows Neck retreat center. Registration is now open. I hope you’ll make plans to join us. What is The Whisper Gathering? This is a women’s retreat focused on learning to hear the gentle whisper of God’s still, small voice and obey. This year’s theme is Knowing and Using the Gifts of God. What can I expect? Great worship led by LaShay Blansett, experienced worship leader and Director of Women’s Ministry at West Jackson Street Baptist Church in Tupelo, MS. In-depth Bible study led by Leanna Lindsey Hollis M.D., frequent retreat leader and Director of Intercessory Prayer and Outreach at Global Outreach International. There’ll also be plenty of prayer time, reflection, repentance, cabin choirs, laughter, bonfires, yummy food, evening s’mores, and fun, so bring a willing spirit and a ready laugh. Inspirations for Women’s pop-up store and FCR’s gift shop will be open if you want to do a little Christmas shopping. What do people say about last year?  We asked last year’s attendees to summarize the Whisper Gathering in two or three words. Here’s a little of what they said: Freeing. Hearing God’s voice. Reconnection with Jesus. Awakening. Fellowship. Renewal. Refuge. Reassuring. Reconnecting. Rest. Respite. Renewing. Life changing. Inspiring. Scroll down to see photos from last year’s event. How should I prepare? If we want God to move in life-changing ways, we must prepare our hearts in advance. Two ways we can do this are through prayer and fasting. No one expects (or recommends) a long fast without any food. Instead, consider limited fasting of a single food item or an occasional meal between now and the retreat. Use the time until the retreat to seek God about areas in your life in need of change. Friend me on Facebook and ask to join the Whisper Gathering closed group. ( I’ll post devotionals and prayer thoughts during the days leading up to the retreat, so be sure to check back often. How much does The Whisper Gathering cost? The cost is $135 and covers two nights’ lodging, six meals, and snacks. (The event T-shirt is extra.) Is there an event t-shirt? Yes. Short-sleeved only. Inspirations for Women is handling our shirts, so the price is in addition to the registration fee. Your purchase price includes tax and fees. $14 for Small to XL  $15 for 2XL and 3XL  What to bring? Bible, notebook, pen, toiletries, bed linens, pillow, blanket, light jacket. Comfortable clothes. Come with a sense of anticipation of God’s presence and ready to meet with God, repent of sin, and surrender to His will. Ready to register? Follow this link to the Registration Page to register online. If you’d rather mail your registration, make your check out to The Whisper Gathering/Pinion and send the following information to Global Outreach/Whisper Gathering, PO Box 1, Tupelo MS 38802 (Be sure to put Whisper Gathering on the “for” line. DO NOT put my account # on the check, as this will not go through the Global account) Name:                                                                                                                         Phone Number: Mailing address:                                                                                                       Email: Emergency Contact:                                                                                                Phone number: Any special needs: Do you want a t-shirt?           What size? Send your form and the amount listed to the above address. $135 for The Whisper Gathering only $149 for The Whisper Gathering plus T-shirt sized S, M, L, or XL $150 for The Whisper Gathering plus T-shirt sized 2XL or 3XL If you’d like to share information about The Whisper Gathering with your church or women’s group, download the flyer. Click here:  flyer whisper gathering 2018 PDF Want to let more women know about Whisper Gathering? Like and share on social media. Don’t forget to pin to Pinterest, too. Help extend our digital reach! Thanks so much. Here’s a pinnable image:

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Fiction worth reading: Mitford

Fiction Worth Reading: The Complete Mitford Series

A little help from my friends… Several weeks ago, I gathered a list of fiction worth reading and favorite books from friends and co-workers, with the Mitford series at the top of several people’s lists. Many of my favs were on the list, too. I intended to do a blog about great reads, and I still will, but I was quickly sidetracked. Two paragraphs into the rough draft, I realized the Mitford series of books was so pivotal in my life, both as a reader and a writer, that it deserved a blog post of its own. Jan Karon’s Mitford books are stories of Father Timothy Kavanagh, a confirmed bachelor and Episcopalian rector in the tiny town of Mitford, as well as the unlikely people who weave themselves into his life. The first book, At Home in Mitford, was copyrighted in 1994. More than twenty years later, these stories are as fresh and pertinent as ever. I reread the entire series almost every year and still laugh, cry, and sometimes cheer out loud for Father Tim and the people of Mitford. Fiction Worth Reading Contains Life-changing Words Like all good fiction, these characters come to life on the page. They struggle with the same issues that plague me. They work to overcome, aim to live higher, strive to be more like Christ. At least most of the time. The lessons they learn become my lessons, as well. These books hold life-changing words, not just for the people within, but for the reader, as well. They’ve helped deepen my walk with Christ. It was Father Tim who taught me the prayer that never fails and the four words that are most needed in any situation – especially in times of tribulation. I love these funny, true-to-life characters. They feel like family and the little town of Mitford is a lot like Blue Springs. The word pictures Jan Karon paints are vivid in my mind. Her writing shows me the value of stories of everyday life, as well as the struggles we face as we try to act like Jesus when it’s not as easy as we hoped. Jan Karon spoke at the National Cathedral in 2014. The woman who introduced her spoke of Jan’s “gentleness of spirit,” and said, “Jan’s voice and her stories remind us of the calm and steady, loving presence of God at work in our lives.” It was the gentleness in her writing that first drew me to the Mitford stories. The evidence of God at work in the lives of her characters kept me reading. I hope it will you, too. The Mitford Series: More Titles Than I Knew A happy surprise greeted me when I searched Amazon for a list of books. There are more Mitford books than I knew! Mitford is one of my happy places, so I’ve stepped back in with the new books. I think you’ll love these stories, too. The Mitford books also include a cookbook and collections of Father Tim’s favorite quotes, a collection of his sermons, Christmas books, and a series of children’s books, so keep reading to the end. I’ve included them all! Here’s the Mitford series in order: (I’ve commented on the ones I’ve read. The others are on my reading list. These are affiliate links. I could potentially make a few cents but they won’t increase your price.) Book 1: At Home in Mitford  This book began my love affair with Mitford. Father Timothy Kavanagh is a lifelong bachelor and Episcopalian rector. His simple existence is rocked by the arrival of a rescue dog “the size of a Buick” and a grubby, rowdy boy in need of love, as well as a surprising jewel thief and an attractive neighbor with great legs. It’s a wonderful, funny, poignant story. Book 2: A Light in the Window This book held many surprises for me. First, Father Tim is increasingly interested in his attractive neighbor who keeps popping through the hedge. He is surprised by the unwelcome attention of a wealthy widow. Cousin Meg unsettles his household and creates quite an uproar before her hasty departure. Suddenly, he has “woman trouble” at an age when he expected anything but. A Light in the Window is poignant, funny, and endearing. I cheered and cried and sometimes did both at the same time. Book 3: These High Green Hills Father Tim and Cynthia face considerable challenges as they settle into newlywed life with his massive dog, rectory renovations, and the adventures of life with Dooley. Their experience on a camping trip moved me on a deep level and caused me to address a few of my own deep-rooted issues. Every book is better than the last, and this is no exception. Book 4: Out to Canaan Struggles in Mitford remind me so much of the adventures and challenges in my own little town. Father Tim, of course, is in the midst of them all as he struggles to lead by example and offer wisdom in situations that are a little “murky.” I often wish I could be as wise as he. Book 5: A New Song After Father Tim retired from his congregation at Mitford, he accepted a temporary post with a small island church. The idea of continuing to serve after you reach retirement age planted a seed that grew into fruition with full-time ministry. His struggles with letting go of former responsibilities resonated with me on a deep level. This book has always been one of my favorites. Book 6: A Common Life: The Wedding Story This is the story of Father Tim’s and Cynthia’s wedding. It’s a funny, poignant, and heart-warming tale as well as a reminder that it’s never too late for love. Book 7: In This Mountain Cynthia, a famous children’s author and artist/illustrator, enjoys a flurry of fame while Father Tim languishes in retirement. The search for Dooley’s missing siblings leads him into the mountain community from which both Dooley and Lace Turner came. In a place of

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Bluetooth wireless FM transmitter

The Bluetooth FM Transmitter That Transformed My Driving Life

(Note: There are affiliate links in this post, which means I make a small commission if you use the link to make a purchase, but it does not increase your price. I received no compensation for recommending these products.I’m sharing them because I love using them.) I’m not the kind of doctor who drives the latest-model foreign car. The men at the mechanic’s shop know me by name if that tells you anything. I believe in good maintenance and in driving a vehicle as long as possible. My current car is a 2007 Altima with more than 225,000 miles on it. I bought it used toward the end of 2007, partly because it had the exact niceties I wanted, as well as a great sound system. Well, great for the 2007 model. It didn’t have Bluetooth capabilities or the ability to connect to my phone, but that wasn’t possible then, anyway. My farm truck is a 1997 Ford.  Yes, my truck has a cassette player. The odometer quit working a while back, so I don’t know how many miles it has, but it runs like a champ. It’s not time to replace either vehicle. Longing for luxury Occasionally, however, I longed for the luxuries of later-model vehicles with Bluetooth streaming capabilities. I especially wanted to stream my music or audio books over the car’s radio/sound system. Instead, I used earbuds to listen. It wasn’t the same. In addition to the Bluetooth problem, my phone wanders in my car. I hope I’m not the only person with this problem. No matter where I put it, it slides off the seat and onto the floor. Sometimes, it ends up under the seat.  If I’m following maps app directions in heavy traffic, I need a heads up for left-hand turns in plenty of time to allow for lane changes. It’s hard to see a turn coming up if the phone if under the seat, right?  When I’m listening to audiobooks, it’s difficult to hear the narrator if the phone has fallen into the black hole of the floorboard. I tried sticky pads without much success. I needed a way to hold my phone and a way to hear the narration more clearly.  Tech-savvy son to the rescue A few months ago, my son, Ryan, introduced to me two products that transformed my life. Best of all, I bought both for just over $25 total. I’m so happy with both of them and expect you will be, too. The phone-fumble solution WizGear’s air vent magnetic phone holder slides onto one of the air vent blades to hold my phone in place. There’s a metal shield to apply to the inside of the phone cover or attach to the back of the cover. Function over beauty I attached my adhesive metal plate on the back of my phone cover before I considered the appearance. Ryan said it looked ugly, and I secretly agreed with him. It’s a good thing I prefer function over form because the adhesive is super strong. That’s a good thing, of course, but I couldn’t remove it once placed.  If I had a cover color other than shiny pink metallic, it might be fine. I’ve considered painting a floral scene on it to fix the aesthetics problem, but haven’t gotten around to it. I use this magnet every day, despite the metal plate on the back of my phone. It works. (Word to the wise: Consider where you want the metal plate before you attach it.) But I digress. Slide the phone magnet over the air vent blades, then place the phone on the holder. The magnet holds the phone. No sliding. No wandering. I can easily see the maps app and prepare for turns ahead of time. (You certainly don’t want to use this holder to read text messages, but, of course, you wouldn’t do that, anyway.) No more fumbling for my phone. No more dropping the phone under the seat and pulling off the road to retrieve it. It’s a little bit of driving heaven. The Bluetooth FM transmitter stereo solution The best tech gadget, however, is the Nulaxy wireless Bluetooth FM transmitter. As the name implies, this device pairs your phone and your car radio via Bluetooth technology and streams your audio through the car’s speakers.  It’s simple to use. Insert the transmitter in the cigarette lighter and turn on the car radio. The transmitter searches for an “empty” station (one that’s not in use) and displays the number of the station on the screen. Tune the radio to that station and a wonderful James Earl Jones-type voice says, “Waiting for pairing.” After Bluetooth connects the phone to the transmitter, it announces “paired,” then mysteriously transmits through the radio speakers. Instant music or audiobooks and great sound. Once you’ve tuned to the appropriate station, the transmitter stores the station’s location in its memory. As long as you leave the radio set to the appropriate station, you can plug it in and wait for pairing. As an extra benefit, the transmitter also has a USB port so you can charge your phone as you listen. How great is that? I love this transmitter and I wish I’d bought two – one for the car and one for the farm truck. For now, I swap it back and forth. I wish I could use it on my tractor, but no such luck. At least not yet. If you’re driving an older-model car without Bluetooth capabilities, check out these two gadgets. I hope they’ll change your life as much as they’ve changed mine. Happy driving! If you want to check out the items, you can click on the buttons next to the photos, the link in the text paragraphs, or these links here: Nulaxy Bluetooth FM transmitter WizGear Magnetic Air Vent Phone Holder Here’s a quick user checklist for each product: WizGear Magnetic Air Vent Phone Holder: Apply metal plate to the back of your phone or inside the phone cover. BE SURE of your desired location BEFORE applying it.

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The “Growing Your Faith” Retreat and How You Can Be a Part

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] For months, women have been meeting to plan and prepare for an upcoming retreat. We’ve prayed for God’s perfect plan, and we hope we have it. Three churches have joined together to sponsor a women’s renewal retreat at FCR at Crow’s Neck in late February. (Bethlehem United Methodist Church, Ingomar Methodist Church, and Amaziah Baptist Church) The theme is Growing Your Faith, and I’m excited about speaking. After Sam moved to my house, we met via phone/FaceTime. A couple of weeks ago, we were finally able to meet in person. The sweetness and unity of spirit was amazing. These ladies are kind and loving, and the choices they’ve made for the meeting reflect their gentle hearts. I think those who attend will be so blessed. Sherra Owen will share some of her knowledge of Mississippi plants, and Emily Manning will share an art performance. I’ll be leading in the study/learning sessions. We’ll have small group sessions and large group worship time. How do I prepare for such a big conference? The same way I prepare for every day of my life. I pray for God’s direction. Read Scripture on the topic. Memorize passages that are pertinent. I ponder. It takes a lot of time to prepare because my life needs to be the first one that’s actively growing, actively repenting, actively changing. I can’t teach what I don’t live, so I have to have my act together in order to prepare. I don’t use a speaking script. Instead, the words must be planted deep in me in order to come out at just the right time. Sometimes, I’ll use an index card with a few Scripture passages to remember written on it, but not always. I tell you this because I need your prayers. We expect God to move in the lives of the women who attend. We expect we’ll all leave changed. For that to happen, those in leadership need humble, servant hearts. I need an humble, servant heart most of all. Please pray I’ll be ready and have exactly the right words and teaching tools. Ladies, you, too, can be a part of this precious weekend, but space is limited so sign up soon. Here are the details: Grow Your Faith Retreat FCR Camp at Crow’s Neck February 24-25, 2018 Cost: Full conference $70 Saturday only $35 Check or cash only Mail check to Laura Pannell, 1549 CR 478, New Albany MS 38652 There’s a Growing Your Faith facebook page where you can ask questions and learn more. Be sure to connect with us. I hope you’ll join us for this fun retreat. I can’t wait to see what God does. “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15 esv  [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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