
how to have freedom in Christ

What does freedom in Christ mean+How to Be Set Free From Sin

If you wonder what does freedom in Christ mean, how to live in the freedom of Christ, or how to be set free from sin, we can help you find answers here. The images of those liberated from WWII concentrations camps came to mind as we read Romans 6 recently. “But thanks be to God that though you were slaves of sin, you became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching to which you were committed, and having been freed from sin, you became slaves of righteousness.” Romans 6:17,18 nasb The word translated as “freed” literally means “liberated” and indicates the kind of freedom granted to those enslaved in concentration camps. Trapped and incapable of escape, they faced certain torment and death. When the liberating army arrived, they were set free. A decade or more before most of us were born, Soviet soldiers marched toward Auschwitz, a Nazi German concentration camp in which more than a million people were imprisoned. The Nazis forced most of the prisoners to march to another facility before the liberators arrived, not because they cared about the safety of their prisoners but because they wanted to continue their torment. They shot thousands of those who couldn’t keep up and left their bodies where they fell. By the time the Soviets arrived, only 7,000 of the prisoners remained in the camp, most of whom were so infirm the Soviets didn’t bother to evacuate them. The photos taken on liberation day revealed the bodies of the dead heaped in piles and mass graves. The survivors’ bodies were starved and skeletal, their eyes haunted. Those former prisoners knew they’d been trapped in a kind of hell from which there was virtually no escape. The unexpected arrival of their liberators set them free. Once they were set free, they wanted to stay free. Would those tormented people ever choose to return to the bondage of Auschwitz and their Nazi tormentors? Of course not. We, too, were hopeless prisoners before Christ. Completely enslaved to sin, our future was certain eternal death and torment but Jesus came to set us free. What does freedom in Christ mean? Jesus invaded our prison, shattered the strong bonds with which we were held, and liberated us from our cruel master. We have been set free from the power of sin in our lives. Why, then, do we live as those who are still enslaved? No Nazi prisoner willingly returned to the torment of a concentration camp. They never returned to hunger, fear, pain, forced labor, or physical and sexual abuse because they had a choice. Why don’t we live as if we’re free? For what reason do we continue in the sin that binds us? Why would we, who have been freed by Christ, return to the enemy’s hold on our hearts and lives? Two possibilities come to mind. Either we don’t understand our abuser or we don’t know the gracious kindness and love of our Liberator yet. Jesus described our enemy well when He said, “The thief’s purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy…” Just as those in Nazi concentration camps learned, their enemy’s objective was to steal that which was most valuable, both in terms of possessions and human dignity, kill their sense of self and identity, and destroy their lives and body. The enemy of our soul works with the same intensity and purpose. His desire is to steal our freedom and enslave us to the things of this world, keep us from Jesus, kill our witness and destroy our relationships. Temptation comes wrapped in an attractive package and promises everything from pleasure, temporary escape and pain relief to freedom, prestige, power, and love. It’s all a lie. Drugs and alcohol may give temporary relief but they compound life’s problems in too many ways to list and can never give lasting peace. Materialism and entitlement may give us a beautiful house but they don’t turn a mansion into a home and fill it with love. What does Freedom in Christ Mean? Jesus spoke powerful words that left no doubt about his mission for change in the lives of His followers. “I have come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.” The NLT translates the abundant life as “a rich and satisfying life.” John 10:10 nlt Ponder this truth for a moment: Jesus didn’t come to enslave us. He came to set us free from sin so we could live a rich and satisfying, abundant, joy-and-peace-filled life.  Do we live abundantly? When we come to Christ, we turn from our former lives and leave that which enslaved us behind, not continue to dabble in it. To follow Jesus is not a 180-degree turn-and-stop journey, but a lifetime of discipleship. We follow Him by studying His Word and obeying His directions. We cannot experience the abundant life if we merely turn and stop. The Christian life is a keep-moving, ever-growing, constantly-advancing adventure. “Stagnant” and “enslaved to sin” are not parts of the process.  Which do we want? Freedom or bondage. The abundance of peace, joy, love, and the other fruit of the spirit reveal the choice we’ve made. Body of Christ, what do our lives reveal to the world? What does freedom of Christ mean in our daily lives? Do others see the freedom of Christ in us or do we still reveal the sin that so easily entangles us? Freedom is ours because of Jesus. We can live free, and we should. How to Be Set Free From Sin If we’ve made the 180-degree turn from sin to the freedom in Christ He offers, there should be no reunions with our old sinful life. Freedom in Christ means we continue the path of discipleship (Bible study, obedience, faith) so we can experience abundant life. A perishing world looks to us to show the way. Study the Bible and do what it says. It’s that simple. When we do, we’ll find the life Jesus intended

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tools to become more like Jesus

What does He must increase and I must decrease mean?

What does He must increase and I must decrease mean for a website? Does He must increase and I must decrease impact a revamped website or mpact your life? Does More Jesus, Less me really matter? Yes to all three questions. An explanation follows but first, a little history… Eight years ago, a restless longing in my spirit directed me to 1 Chronicles 4:10. You probably know this verse as the Prayer of Jabez in which he asked God to expand his territory. In an unexpected turnaround, God said to me, “I’m going to expand your reach.” It wasn’t clear at the time, but an expansion of “my” reach included more of Jesus and less of me. The idea of “expanded reach” didn’t generate great enthusiasm. “What does this mean?” “Is further expansion possible?” The questions were met with one still, small Whisper: “start a blog.”  Google answered the “What is a blog?” and “How to make a blog” questions and, in less than an hour, the Faith Lived Out Loud blog was born. Nearly five years, more than 2,000 blog posts, and over 700,000 views later, the blog moved to this website. Professional writers need a “real” website to promote their blog, or so the experts said. Soon, we had a lovely, author-named website. It was all about Leanna. Photos of Leanna. What Leanna was doing. Too much Leanna. Needless to say, God didn’t bless the new website. I’m ashamed to admit it took nearly three years to ask why not. The answer was simple and found in John 3:30.  “Too much Leanna. Not enough Jesus.” What did He must increase and I must decrease mean in terms of the website? Massive change. We needed more Jesus, less Leanna. Our team worked diligently the last few months to correct this problem He must increase and I must decrease defines our focus. The basic problem was the focus. He must increase and I must decrease means the focus can’t be on any single person. Instead, it must be directed toward Him. There was also another problem. Experts say you need to write for your audience but what if you don’t know your audience?  After many struggles, one thing was obvious. You were there all the time. Thank you. Another Important truth also became obvious: We provide resources for the body of Christ to help them live the life of a real disciple of Jesus. Sometimes those resources are stories about everyday events in which we can see Jesus and learn from Him and sometimes they’re Bible studies, prayer guides, or how-to instructions. If you want to dig deep with Jesus, we can help. If your idea of the Christian life is to attend a church service now and then but make no changes in your life, you may not find what you’re looking for here…unless you’re ready for a challenge and change. Are you ready to ask what does He must increase and I must decrease” for yourself? We’d love to help. So…this newly designed website is a (still flawed) attempt at obedience. You won’t “see” as much Leanna but we pray you will see lots more of Jesus here. How to use the new “More Jesus, Less Me” website: 1. The Faith Lived Out Loud section This is the blog location. This is the only “new” blog post for today, but you can expect more to come. Will there be stories again? Yes. Definitely. Storytelling is one of my core values so there are definitely more stories in the future. 2. The Resources Section This section provides an organized structure for lots of resources in the areas of community outreach, discipleship, and prayer. The Women’s Ministry resources take you to our Whisper Gathering website for now. We’ve included quite a few resources, including some to help you embrace what it means for Him to increase and you to decrease, but there are more to come in the next few weeks. If you don’t see something you need or the answer to a question, use the Contact form to let us know. It may take a bit to get it done, but we want to provide the resources you need. 3. The Freebie page. We offer a free printable resource every month and it’s usually theme-based. Since we celebrated Labor Day this month, our free resource is how to pray for co-workers. We’ll also offer new one-day-only freebies this week, so be sure to check back regularly. Subscribers to the devotional newsletter (Faith Lived Out Loud newsletter) will receive all the freebies in their email so be sure to subscribe. 4. The About section This includes introductory information about many of the areas of outreach in our ministry. We’d love it if you’d decide to get involved. There’s plenty of work to be done. 5. The Get Involved tab This tab has multiple sections so you’ll need to use the drop-down menu to navigate. You’ll find the Contact form and all the newsletters from our Global Outreach ministry. If you’ve prayed, participated, or given in any way, these newsletters tell the story of your work so take a few minutes to read about what God’s doing through you. You can also sign up for the devotional newsletter too. (Please note: This is not the sign-up for the “paper” ministry newsletter but you can sign up to receive the snail-mail ministry newsletter version via the contact form.) What does He must increase and I must decrease mean for your life? The life of a Christian, a disciple of Jesus Christ, must be focused on Him and not on ourselves. The more we know Him and experience His love, mercy, and grace, the more we want to please Him by ridding ourselves of sinful actions, thoughts, or attitudes. We want to rid ourselves of the “deeds of the flesh” listed in Galatians 5:16-21 and allow Him to fill us with the fruit of the Spirit, found in Galatians 5:22-23. How does more

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What does "God is love" mean

What Does God is Love Mean + Bible Verses About God’s Love

If you’ve wondered what does “God is love” mean for you or what the Bible says about love, read here to learn the answers, as well as reminders of how much God loves you, Bible verses about God’s love, and find the best Bible quotes about God’s love. Have you ever felt unloved? A few weeks ago, our team talked with troubled teenagers above love. “Who loves you most?” we asked. One boy’s answer stunned us. “No one loves me.” The other students tried to encourage him and offered suggestions of people who might love him. “Surely your grandma loves you,” they insisted, but he was adamant. “Nope. There is no one who loves me.” He may feel unloved, but he isn’t—because, as we shared with him, God loves us all. What does “God is love” mean and what does the Bible say about God’s love? 1. God is Love: Lovingkindness Bible verses about love: Lovingkindness Then the Lord passed by in front of him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth; who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression, and sin…” Exodus 34:6,7 Moses spent forty days with God on Mount Sinai. When he returned to the camp, the first tablets of the law in hand, he found the children of Israel having a boisterous, golden-calf-worshipping party. Horrified and angered by their sin, Moses smashed the original tablets. Eventually, Moses returned to the mountain with the second set of stone tablets on which God once more wrote the law. Moses stood before Him and, as he worshipped, God demonstrated His character in a surprising way. Despite the idolatry and unfaithfulness of His people, God revealed Himself as slow to anger, compassionate, gracious, forgiving, abounding in lovingkindness. His behavior toward his people was determined not by what they did but by who He is—because God is love. The word translated as “lovingkindness” is hesed and indicates the grace, mercy, and love of God toward men. This word is used more than 250 times in the Old Testament and most often refers to the love of God. Forgiveness for our sin is given on the basis of His lovingkindness. This is not in the heat of the moment love, but a nevertheless kind of love that endures regardless of our failures. He “keeps” His lovingkindness and it never varies, never changes. Although He disciplines us for our sin, His judgment is tempered by His great lovingkindness, or hesed. Bible quotes about God’s love: His love endures forever.God loved us and sent His Son. 2. Steadfast   Bible verses about God’s love: Steadfast “Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance? He does not retain his anger forever, because He delights in steadfast love.” Micah 7:18 The prophet Micah lived in a discouraging time in which no one was trustworthy or dependable. He could not turn to anyone except God in his distress, but one important truth gave Micah great hope: the love of God. He described this love, or His grace, mercy, and favor, as steadfast. It is firm and unwavering, dependent not upon us but upon His never-changing character. God loves all the time. His love constrains His discipline and judgment and fuels His mercy and grace. Bible quotes about love: His steadfast love endures forever. 3. Inseparable Bible verses about God’s love: Inseparable “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38,39 If two years of the pandemic taught us anything, it was how quickly we can be separated from loved ones by circumstances beyond our control. Lockdowns and border closures. Exposure-related quarantines and infection-related isolation. Hospitals were locked down to all except staff and patients. Loved ones died alone while we were powerless to reach them. We were separated from friends and family in an instant by the power of an organism too small to see. Despite the isolation we felt, we were never alone. Our God who loves us was with us all the time. Every day. All day and all night. Scripture tells us nothing—not death, life, viruses, government regulations, lockdowns, isolation, disease—nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. Because God is love, He offers us inseparable love. We’re never alone and we’re never unloved. Bible quotes about God’s love: Nothing can separate us from the love of God. 4. Fearless Bible verses: Fearless “By this is love perfected with us, so that we may have confidence for the day of judgment, because as he is so also are we in this world. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. We love because he first loved us.” 1 John 4:17-19 We live in a scary world, and a quick scroll through your news feed will confirm. The dreadful “What If” family of fears can invade when we least expect it and leave us trembling and paralyzed, afraid to make a move. Those “what if,” paralyzing fears are not from God. Instead, the Bible tells us God’s perfect love casts out fear. Hear this loud and clear: You are loved. God wants to build a relationship with us, not unleash a nightmare of terror. If we are overwhelmed by fears, we can ask God to help and He will. Bible quotes about God’s love: Perfect love casts out fear. 5. Action Bible verses about God’s love: Action “But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 “So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has

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Do Miracles Still Happen

Miracles Still Happen: The $100 Miracle

Have you ever wondered if miracles still happen? I was right there with you but one surprising experience changed my doubts. Several years ago, worn out and burned out, I took a much-needed break from practicing medicine to write. The plan was a return to medicine after the turn of the year, just two months later. As it turned out, I never went back, and the two-month break turned into a divinely-orchestrated training-in-faith school. The money I’d saved was enough to carry me through the short, planned break. It wasn’t quite enough for the much longer breaker. Before too long, money was in short supply. As a frugal woman, I tightened my belt and trusted God to provide. He did. Money got tighter and my belt did, too. Once again, God provided. Every time. There came a day, however, when my bank account was down to $37.00. An automatic draft was scheduled for the next day. Someone owed me enough money to more than cover the expense but, on the day they’d agreed to pay, they could only give me a small portion of what they owed. My heart sank and I struggled not to cry as she counted the partial payment into my hand. I hoped miracles still happen… The money she paid wasn’t enough to cover my draft and I had no idea what to do. A sense of foreboding quickly turned into fear and threatened to overwhelm me. I believed miracles still happen, or maybe I hoped they did, so I searched my house in anticipation of an unexpected stash of cash. I looked between the chair and sofa cushions, in jacket pockets, and in old purses where I found spare change and a few dollars, but not enough.  The money spread out before me on the kitchen table, I sat down, head in hands, and wept. Tears streamed down my face as I prayed, “Lord, you have never let me down before. What’s up with this? What am I supposed to do?” Have you had one of those moments when the still, small voice of God was maddening and incomprehensible? This was one of them. “Take it to the bank.” Miracles still happen but obedience isn’t optional The money wasn’t enough. Why take it to the bank before God provided the full amount in some way? I wanted to wait for the rest of the money, but the still, small voice in my heart was relentless. “Take it to the bank.”  I counted the money over and over. I was nearly $60 short. Finally, since I didn’t know what else to do, I gathered up the money and headed to town.  The drive-through furthest away from the window allowed me to avoid looking at the teller’s face. Shame rushed through me at the idea of seeing her look at me, with my previous big bank account, now down to only $37. I slipped my tiny deposit into the vacuum tube, hit the send button, and prayed as I waited for the teller to send back the deposit slip. Miracles still happen, but I didn’t expect one to happen for me that day. The first hint of a miracle… After a few minutes, she buzzed with a question. “What do you want to do with this extra money?” “What extra money?” “There’s another $100 in here you didn’t add to the total.” My breath caught in my throat. $100 would make the deposit more than enough. My heart pounded as I replied. “Are you sure? I counted that money several times.” “Yes, ma’am. I’ve counted it three times. There’s definitely an extra $100.”  It’s true: Miracles Still Happen I sat in stunned silence, unable to answer, as tears ran down my face.  “Dr. Hollis. What did you want me to do with this extra money?” “If God added $100 to my deposit, please put it in my account.” I laughed, cried, praised, and shouted hallelujah as I waited for the deposit slip. That day, God did something big–both in me and for me. The $100 wasn’t the biggest miracle I’ve ever seen, but it was the most desperately needed. It showed me, in the most compelling way imaginable, that I could trust God on my journey of faith. It was fun in a roller-coaster-ride kind of way and left me wanting more: more God, more miracles, more evidence of His favor and love.  Money has never been in quite that short supply again, but, even when it’s tight, I’m no longer frightened. At the deepest part of my being, I know God will supply all my needs. Every single one of them. Life After a Miracle… Several years have passed since that exciting day and I now work full-time as a peer-to-peer funded missionary doing community outreach and intercessory prayer. My former patients still ask if I’ll ever “go back” to medicine. It’s not hard to decide. I miss my doctor-salary and the ease of certain income but they don’t compare to the joy of knowing God will provide. As long as I’m doing what He calls me to do, in His way, God will fund His projects and provide for me.  What about you? If you’re in one of those only-God-can-help situations now, take courage. We serve an on-time God who is more than able to provide. He’s not only able to provide; He’s also willing. Have you faced a situation in which only a miracle could carry you through? I’d love to hear your story, so please comment below. “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God… And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6, 19 nasb Want to read more like Miracles Still Happen?  Thanks for stopping by and sharing your time with us today! If you enjoyed this content, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest, sign up for the twice-monthly mailing list to

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Homelessness in America: up close and personal

Homelessness in America: Up Close and Personal

Leannahollis.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. This blog post contains affiliate links, which means if you click on the link to make a purchase, I may make a small amount of money (usually a few cents) from your purchase. It will not increase the price you pay in any way. How to Effectively Impact Homelessness in America The glamour of a vintage evening gown, a coveted award, and a luxury hotel faded in the rearview mirror as the blinding rain slowed my progress toward home. My snail’s pace through the storm left far too little time to swap suitcases, snuggle dogs, and nap before boarding a plane for Los Angeles, land of Hollywood and movie stars, and a heartbreaking example of homelessness in America. From Rodeo Drive to Skid Row Maseratis lined the streets of Rodeo Drive. Both men and women in designer clothing spent thousands to purchase baubles they’ll soon discard. This trip, however, wasn’t filled with glamour, but the exact opposite. We headed to Skid Row where homelessness abounds, and hunger, need, and lack of basic hygiene are part of everyday existence. Fifty-four city blocks of tragedy and poverty are lined by tents on the sidewalks, pallets of cardboard, and discarded humans whose hope is gone. On Skid Row, mere miles from the mansions of the rich and famous, pregnant women sleep on bare concrete and shuffle down the streets in worn-out, discarded clothing hoping for a handout. Men, plagued by addiction, loss, and both mental and physical illness, wander as if in a fog. No job. Pockets empty. Hope long gone. One of the most affluent neighborhoods in the Los Angeles area is Hidden Hills, where the median income is $250,000+/year. In stark contrast, the median income in downtown LA (in which Skid Row is located) is only $19,887/year. A one-bedroom apartment in LA costs, on average, $2,437/month. ($29,244 annual cost) Two-bedroom apartments, on average, rent for $3,309/month. Imagine paying $39,708 per year in rent alone, before childcare, groceries, clothing, school supplies, health insurance, or transportation to and from work. It’s no wonder the “under-employed,” especially minimum-wage-earners, end up on the streets. This is Homelessness in America? Yes. it is. The images in my head from my two-week whirlwind of travel and service are not from the posh hotel or the glitter of a Gala. Instead, my memories are full of porta-potties, worn-out clothing, men smoking joints on the sidewalk, the smells of marijuana, urine, and unwashed bodies thick as smoke. Acrid odors hung in my nostrils for days. The faces of homelessness in America are still there and, I suspect, always will be. Before we went into Skid Row for the first time, a young man named Taylor gave us wise advice. “Clothe yourselves with compassion,” he said. I did, but I had to surrender my expectations, pride, and judgmental, critical spirit to do it. In the first tent, we visited on Skid Row a mother, stoned out of her mind, slept on a makeshift cot. Her two-year-old daughter sat on the cot beside her. A man in a chair at the entrance to the tent guarded her,  I suppose, as he talked with a friend from the streets. Porta-Potty Prostitution A few steps away, beautiful young women in skimpy clothing and heavy makeup entertained their customers in four porta-potties at the park entrance. They’d posted schedules on the doors and had a steady business. Prostitution in the most unsanitary place imaginable. What kind of man treats women with such disrespect? What kind of woman allows it? My indignant questions soon found an answer — hopeless men and women who don’t know the love of Jesus. A young mother, obviously pregnant, pushed a double-stroller in which two young children sat as she made her way down Skid Row in the dark. A man, also shabbily dressed, staggered along beside her. We gave them socks, t-shirts, and bags of cookies, but they needed so much more. The Tiniest of  Beginnings It was long past dark and my hand-out bag was nearly empty when Travis,* a gray-haired man with a grizzled beard and rotted teeth, approached me. “I’m cold,” he said and stared at my bag. “All I have are short-sleeved t-shirts, but it’s warm at the Dream Center,” I told him. “Yeah?” “There’s food there, too. You ever think about coming off the street?” “They wouldn’t take me,” he said. “I have a dishonorable discharge. 240 kills on patrol.” It took me a minute to understand what he meant. Finally, recognition dawned. Vietnam vet. He’d been the first in line on patrol. He hadn’t gunned down everyone he’d seen, but he’d killed a lot. Fear will do that to you. Fear combined with drugs will do even worse, and they did. He returned home with a dishonorable discharge at a time when all Vietnam veterans, even the heroes, were scorned and rejected. He couldn’t find a job and drifted from one place to another. The drugs he’d first used in Southeast Asia became his constant companion and he did whatever it took to get them. Not Too Late He’s an old man now and off drugs, but he’s been on the street for too many years, yet another shattered life trapped in the depths of homelessness in America. “I think they would take you, Travis. If you really want to come off the street, you can have a fresh start. Jesus can change everything.” I connected him to someone from the Dream Center and we made a plan. I rested a hand on his shoulder and prayed the biggest prayer I could for Travis. He shuffled off with a t-shirt and a bag of chips in hand. I turned to the DC worker. “You think he’ll show up?” He shook his head. “Probably not this time, but maybe eventually. When it

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Transformed by Christ: Up Close and Personal

Are you praying for someone you love to be transformed by Christ? What about someone who’s trapped in bondage to drugs or alcohol? If so, this story of one woman transformed by Christ may be an encouragement to you. A stronghold of drug and alcohol addiction destroyed her life…until she found freedom in Christ. Now, her old life is completely gone. Not long ago, she gave her testimony at a Christian gathering and invited me to hear her speak. The long drive was worth every minute of the trip. We see each other fairly often for women who live more than sixty miles apart. We’re in a small group together and an online group, as well. She’s one of the most consistent, godly women I know, generous, loving, forgiving, and serving. Transformed by Christ Her life is Christ, but it wasn’t always. I’m so accustomed to the Jesus in her that I rarely consider there was a time before Christ, a time when sin ruled and she spent her days and nights partying, drinking, smoking, promiscuity, doing drugs, and selling drugs. It is easy to forget she was arrested several times for “minor” crimes, and hard to believe she was ever in prison, but she was. She shared her story of coming to Christ. In 2007, my friend entered prison for selling drugs. All she carried with her was deodorant and a Bible because that’s all they allowed. Everything was stripped away – drugs, sex, alcohol, family. The cell, a bunk bed, the Bible, and the hurt inside her were all that remained. Without the distractions, she opened her Bible and began to read. Living Scripture did its powerful work. “ For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 As she read Scripture, she soon learned the truth of Hebrews 4:12. After six months, she read Jesus’ call to those who are worn down by burdens and the Sword of the Spirit slashed straight into her heart. “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 Face down on her bed, she wept into her pillow and surrendered her weariness, hurt, and burdens to the One who promised rest. She relinquished her sin and was transformed by Christ. Jesus changed everything. Jesus did exactly what Scripture says He will do. He healed her hurt and changed her desires. The Scripture became her lifeline during the remainder of her prison term, and she grew like a long-neglected plant finally given the water and nutrients it needs. Transformed by Christ: The old has gone. The new has come. Her old life is completely over, and she’s transformed. She’s clean and sober and has been for more than a decade.  My sweet friend is happily married and the leader of a women’s small group, with adult children and beautiful grandchildren. She’s active in her church, participates in mission trips often, and is a faithful prayer supporter. Did the people who knew her in the “old” days expect God to transform her so completely? Probably not. Was there someone praying? I imagine so. As I listened to my friend share her testimony, I sat in awe of the miraculous transformation God has done and prayed for the people I know who desperately need that same transformation. Hope blossomed again. God is still in the business of redemption. He still changes lives. Before she entered prison, she lived in the inescapable bondage of sin. She entered that penitentiary and found God waiting for her. Inside those walls, He set her free, and she still is. Many of us love someone whose choices have taken them from bad to worse, perhaps even to addiction, crime, and prison. My friend is living proof that there’s always hope. As long as there’s life, there’s a chance of surrender, forgiveness, and redemption. If you’re waiting for someone you love to turn around, let’s remember my friend, and keep on praying. “So, if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36 Want to know more about how to be transformed by Christ? If you’re looking for an in-depth Bible study that will transform your life, consider the new James study, now available in an e-book format from Amazon.com. You might also like: Is it Possible to Walk the Blameless Path?  While you’re here, check out these blog posts: How to Trust God in Hard Times The Benefits of Repentance Promises of God Fulfilled What Does it Mean to Be Beloved? What Does it Mean to Be a Disciple of Jesus? Why We Should Choose Humility and Let Go of Pride Thanks for sharing your time with us today. Before you go… Sign up for our twice-a-month newsletter to receive exclusive stories, freebies, and more. Leave a comment and share this post on your social media pages or through email. Bookmark our website so you can visit us often. Take a look at Today’s Encouragement before you go. We add to this every weekday.  Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest Join our Faith Lived Out Loud Facebook group to have a community of believers seeking to live the disciple life Jesus intended.

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life after covid choose change now

Life After COVID-19: Choosing Change Now

This article, “Life After COVID-19: Choosing Change Now” was written at the beginning of the pandemic. The recommendations in this article are still valid, and we’re still doing the things we began back then. Our Zoom Bible study now meets twice a week and just celebrated our second anniversary. We’re not fluent in French but a lot more proficient, and we memorized most of the Sermon on the Mount. The choices made at the beginning of the pandemic served us well and made the years of struggle count. W emerged stronger and with a greater sense of calling than ever before. If you weren’t as successful, don’t worry. It’s not too late to re-think life after COVID-19. Life After COVID-19: What We Thought Two Years ago “It’s not too early to start thinking about life after COVID-19, isn’t it? We’re only two years into the pandemic quarantine… “No. Wait. “Maybe it’s two weeks. Or three. Possibly a month… “I hate to admit it but, unless I check the calendar, I’m not sure how long I’ve worked from home in this ongoing, never-ending, please-God-over-soon quarantine. My hope for an end to this sometimes falters and I suspect I’m not the only one. “Can’t researchers make a vaccine any faster? A cold is a virus so another virus is no big deal, right? Why won’t people stay at home? Wear masks? Quit meeting?” You know the questions we all asked and probably the solutions we secretly proposed because we were all in this together and we still are. We shared many of the same questions and frustrations. Today, I want to shed a little hope and light on our mutually tough time. There is life after… It didn’t seem possible for a long time, but there is life after COVID-19 and the pandemic. An enormous global opportunity lay before us. We had the rare option to use the time during the pandemic and resulting quarantine to seriously consider our lifestyles, keep what was honorable and good, and let go of the vain and meaningless. We had a chance to choose a better path than the one we were on. To choose change. Most of us worked from home for a while. We built new patterns, new work habits. We learned fresh ways to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays. Maybe we cooked at home more because eating out was not as easy an option as before. Our shopping habits, and likely our spending habits, changed considerably. Surviving Pandemic Life Pandemic life was seriously different from our “normal” lives but it wasn’t all bad. Our quarantine forced us to slow down. Be still. Spend more time with our immediate families. Enjoy our children in new ways. Make an effort to stay connected to friends and family. It forced us to face the possibility of catastrophic illness and death and to evaluate the substance of our lives. As a closet introvert, I probably struggled less with quarantine than my extrovert friends and I have to admit—I loved the isolation. The quiet. The stillness. The lack of crowds. I missed you all and would have loved to give everyone I’ve ever known (and a few I don’t) a huge hug and maybe a kiss on both cheeks in the Middle Eastern way just to regain a little personal contact and sense of touch. Life After COVID-19: The Opportunity The COVID-19 pandemic was without a doubt a global tragedy of illness, suffering, and death but the greater tragedy is to fail to learn from it and seize the opportunity to choose change as we go forward. We could cling to our former lifestyle and attempt to return to the same hectic, insanely busy pace as before but why would we? Many of us were stressed to the max, exhausted beyond belief, and frantic with our out-of-control schedules before the pandemic. Why resume what was likely to kill us? Why not choose a different path as we go forward? Imagine for a moment what life would be like if we chose to keep our slower pace. What if we kept some of the changes we’ve made after we return to the workplace? Shop locally more often. Give up some of our busyness to spend more time with the people we say we love. Enjoy homemade fun. Write notes of encouragement. Embrace snail mail. Take long walks with our children and family. Picnic outdoors. Exchange fast food for slow-simmered delicacies. Learn new skills. Look out for our neighbors. See needs and meet them. Life After COVID-19: The Choice of a fresh start A new, slower pace and a fresh start is worth it. Within a few months of the pandemic, we missed the blessings we took for granted…family, friends, church families, hugs, gatherings. What if we cherished them enough to keep them close as we go forward? Safeguard our connections. Strengthen our faith ties. Continue to spend time reading our Bibles, studying, and prayer. The most important choice: What if we gave up our sense of entitlement and our me-first attitudes and, in life after COVID-19, chose to hunger and thirst after righteousness? During an early Whisper Connection Zoom call, we talked about what it means to hunger and thirst for righteousness. Choose Blessings “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” We asked the question, “For what do we hunger?” and came up with a variety of answers. Health Peace Prosperity Meaning in life Serve where we can be seen Connections Power Reputation Righteousness We do want righteousness but it wasn’t on the top of anyone’s list. The dictionary defines righteousness as freedom from guilt and sin. In practical terms it means so much more. When we hunger and thirst for righteousness, we allow God to correct what is wrong, sinful, less than godly in our lives and make it right, righteous, godly. We open our hearts to Jesus and allow Him to make us more like He intended. I can say with confidence born of experience this process

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prayer guide national day of prayer 2020

National Day of Prayer prayer guide

Prayer Guide for National Day of Prayer Update: This National Day of Prayer Prayer Guide was written in the early days of the pandemic to help guide us in prayer for our nation and offer ideas about how to pray for America. Today a war rages in Ukraine, millions of refugees have fled for their lives and more leave their nation daily, and the threat of nuclear war looms greater than ever before. Although our circumstances are different than two years ago, this guide for prayer is no less pertinent today.  This National Day of Prayer Prayer guide was first used for the 2020 National Day of Prayer but the prayer needs haven’t changed. It’s as useful in 2022 as it was two years ago.  For the first time in the history of the National Day of Prayer, our nationwide “gatherings” were done virtually rather than on courthouse lawns. This National Day of Prayer prayer guide can help you pray for our world, our nation, our states and cities, as well as for ourselves and our families. Prayer for Our World: The SARS CoV-2 pandemic affected everyone in some way, whether by government regulations for quarantine or by actual infection. Because of ongoing variants, it still affects people around the world. Use this National Day of Prayer prayer guide to help you pray for… Protection from the disease and from the effects of prolonged trauma due to the high loss of life for front-line health workers.  Patience, peace, and provision for the people who shelter in countries where the restrictions are much more strict than in the US. A spirit of repentance to fall and for the gospel to spread like wildfire throughout this world. Many souls to be saved. (Matthew 29:19-20, Acts 1:8) Prayers for the US: This National Day of Prayer prayer guide serves as a prompt for prayers for our nation and a guide in how to pray for America. It is only a beginning.  Divine wisdom in each decision for government and healthcare leaders. Leaders (and all of us) to value the lives of those potentially affected, balance the preciousness of life with the importance of economic stability in creative ways to achieve the greatest benefit and save the most lives. Wisdom and discernment to recognize and ignore foolish speculations and divisive rhetoric seen on social media. Unity in our nation and the willingness to love our neighbor as ourselves. For the church to continue to serve outside the walls of their buildings. Sweeping revival in the church and in our nation. (Matthew 22:35-40, James 1:5) Financial stability for our nation. National Day of Prayer Prayer Guide: Prayer for State and Local Needs Pray for… The wisdom of God for state and local leaders as they make decisions about quarantine and when to ease restrictions. Our fellow citizens to respond with godly decisions about personal protection. Pray for an end to the spirit of condemnation and judgment. Pray for fruit of the spirit to be evident in every believer. Churches to work together to be the body of Christ in ways the community can recognize and for unity among all believers at unprecedented levels and in unprecedented ways. Pray the love of the body of Christ will draw many people to Jesus. (James 1:5, John 17:17-23) Prayer Guide for National Day of Prayer – Prayers for Yourself: Pray for… The fruit of the Spirit, the Spiritual Armor, and a humble surrendered, servant’s heart. Freedom from prejudice of any kind and for sacrificial love to cause people to care for those who are in great need as well as for those who are lost. Pray for a deeper relationship with our Lord as a result of our quarantine and lasting change with greater emphasis on seeking Him first, loving our family with our presence, and loving our neighbor as ourselves. (Galatians 5:22-23, Ephesians 6:10-18, John 13;34-35, John 15:12-13) Thank you for taking the time to pray through this National Day of Prayer Prayer Guide with us as you pray for our nation and our world. May God bless your prayer for America with fruit beyond your borders and answer them in ways exceeding abundantly above all you hoped or imagined He’d do. God bless you, friends. “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. Habakkuk 2:14 Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash Want to read more articles like the National Day of Prayer prayer guide or articles about prayer? Need more prayer guides? See the links below and be sure to visit our Prayer Resources section. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your time with us today. If you enjoyed this content, follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest, sign up for the twice-monthly mailing list (below) to receive exclusive free stories, or click here to get a 5-day free Bible study and the twice-monthly newsletter. Before you leave, would you mind taking a moment to pin to Pinterest and share on social media? It helps extend our digital reach in ways we can’t do ourselves. Thanks again! See you soon. Here are links to a few other posts you might enjoy: Seven Evangelism Truths Every Christian Needs to Know When the God of the Universe Knows Your Name How to Trust God in Hard Times Repentance and the Benefits Package Will We Make Room for God in Our Lives? Contentment Regardless of Circumstances Repentance: It’s Not Optional Here’s an in-depth, life-changing digital Bible study to help you grow in your Christian faith: (This is an Amazon affiliate link, which means we might make a few cents from your purchase but it will not change the price you pay) You’ve helped us reach around the world through your likes, shares, and pins. Thank you! Please keep up the great work. It makes a huge difference. Here’s a pinnable image for Pinterest. Thanks for pinning and sharing.

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Whisper Gathering 2019: A Life-Changing Women’s Retreat

The Whisper Gathering 2019 is scheduled for September 5, 6, 7 at the beautiful FCR Crows Neck retreat center. Check-in begins at 1 pm on Thursday but we don’t start scheduled activities until 6 pm with dinner. Closing activies are Saturday morning and our last scheduled activity is lunch on Saturday. Registration is now open. I hope you’ll make plans to join us. What is Whisper Gathering 2019? This is a women’s retreat focused on learning to hear the gentle whisper of God’s still, small voice and obey. This year’s theme is The Beauty of Brokenness. What can I expect? Great worship led by a team including Vickie McAnally and Vivien Lee, both experienced worship leaders and gifted musicians. In-depth Bible study led by Leanna Lindsey Hollis M.D., frequent retreat leader and Director of Intercessory Prayer and Outreach at Global Outreach International. Devotions and Lord’s supper/communion led by Pastor Robbie Crane on Saturday morning as well as a powerful testimony from Mycah Parrish (Massey House) during the weekend and a beautiful dramatic/musical presentation by Dana Mann. There’ll also be plenty of prayer time, reflection, repentance, laughter, bonfires, cabin choirs, yummy food, evening s’mores, and fun, so bring a willing spirit and a ready laugh. Last year, we established traditions of the things women loved from previous Whisper Gatherings. We’re continuing those traditions and adding a few tweaks to make sure Whisper Gathering 2019 is better than ever. New this year, we’ll also have a few guests throughout the weekend. Massey Place will join us with their pop-up store and FCR’s gift shop will be open if you want to do a little Christmas shopping. What do people say about Whisper Gathering?  We asked former attendees to summarize the Whisper Gathering in two or three words. Here’s a little of what they said: Freeing. Hearing God’s voice. Reconnection with Jesus. Awakening. Fellowship. Renewal. Refuge. Reassuring. Reconnecting. Rest. Respite. Renewing. Life changing. Inspiring. One woman who attended the first Whisper Gathering in 2017 said this about last year’s retreat, “I hesitated to come again because I thought the first Whisper Gathering was the best it could ever be, but I was so wrong. This year was better than ever.” Scroll down to see photos from last year’s event. I want to come but my schedule doesn’t work… Attending the entire retreat is optimal, but we don’t want you to miss it entirely. If you can come for only a part of the weekend, message/contact Leanna directly. We are happy to work with your schedule to help arrange for you to attend “Half-A-Whisper.” How should I prepare for Whisper Gathering 2019? If we want God to move in life-changing ways, we must prepare our hearts in advance. Two ways we can do this are through prayer and fasting. No one expects (or recommends) a long fast without any food. Instead, consider limited fasting of a single food item or an occasional meal between now and the retreat. Use the time until the retreat to seek God about areas in your life in need of change. Friend me on Facebook and ask to join the Whisper Gathering closed group. (https://www.facebook.com/whispergathering/) I’ll post devotionals and prayer thoughts during the 21 days leading up to the retreat beginning August 15, so be sure to check back often. How much does the Whisper Gathering 2019 cost? The cost is $150 and covers two nights’ lodging, six meals, and snacks. The event fee also helps cover often-unseen costs such as camp fees for each attendee, printing handouts, craft supplies, door prizes, and honorariums for guest speakers and musicians. (The event T-shirt is extra.) Is there an event t-shirt? Yes. Short-sleeved and V-neck only. Please note: The T-shirt image is crew neck but the T-shirt is V-NECK ONLY. Inspirations for Women is handling our shirts, so the price is in addition to the registration fee. Your purchase price includes tax and fees. $2o for Small to XL  $22 for 2XL and 3XL  What to bring? Bible, notebook, pen, toiletries, bed linens, pillow, blanket, light jacket. Comfortable clothes. Come with a sense of anticipation of God’s presence and ready to meet with God, repent of sin, and surrender to His will. Ready to register? Ready to register? Follow this link to the Registration Page to register online. If you’d rather mail your registration, make your check out to The Whisper Gathering2019/Pinion and send the following information to Global Outreach/Whisper Gathering, PO Box 1, Tupelo MS 38802 (Be sure to put Whisper Gathering 2019 on the “for” line. DO NOT put my account # on the check, as this will not go through the Global account) Name:                                                                                                                         Phone Number: Mailing address:                                                                                                       Email: Emergency Contact:                                                                                                Phone number: Any special needs: Do you want a t-shirt?           What size? Send your form and the amount listed to the above address. $150 for The Whisper Gathering only $170 for The Whisper Gathering plus T-shirt sized S, M, L, or XL $172 for The Whisper Gathering plus T-shirt sized 2XL or 3XL Share the news: Because of Leanna’s

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